Sunday, February 28, 2010

Homesteading Adventure #3: Second Official Candling

We candled again today and we are left with 16 eggs in our incubator.
The 8 eggs we marked as X at last candling were all still showing no progress and have been tossed.
We are holding steady still with 6 ?s and 10 :-)s.
What's interesting is that a couple of our ?s turned into :-)s and a couple :-)s turned into ?s.
In fact, two of our original ?s (eggs #15 & #17) were the eggs that this time stunned us with MOVEMENT! That was pretty darn cool!
One egg (#22) has me really confused. There is definitely something in it. But it seems to move only when I gently move the egg. I couldn't really tell if it was moving on it's own at all. So egg #22 has an * next to it. I'm interested to see if it continues to grow or if we lost it.
Since I don't have a picture for you today, check out this link:
You can follow along with us and see what our eggs look like.
Today is day 7. Our approximate hatch date is March 14th.

Here's what our list looks like:
Egg # 26-Feb 28-Feb
3 :-) :-)
4 :-) :-)
5 :-) :-)
8 :-) :-)
9 :-) :-)
10 ? ?
11 :-) ?
12 :-) :-)
13 :-) ?
15 ? :-) Movement!
17 ? :-)Movement!
18 :-) :-)
19 :-) :-)
20 ? ?
22 ? ?
23 ? ?

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