Our first hatching attempt is officially over tonight when I get home.
We came out with one lone chick. The two that pipped on Tuesday died (and possibly a third which pipped on the bottom - Can't really see well enough to say for sure). And nothing else has happened with the others. This many days in, their chances of survival are slim...even if they were to hatch.
I called my Chicken Friend, Valerie, yesterday and told her about the two that died. I expressed my concern of having a lone chick. She had 26 chicks just a few days older than "Crash" (I'm still not allowed to name her officially, per Jeremy). I went out to her farm to visit her yesterday and purchased 4 chicks to keep "Crash" company. I plan to pick up new eggs this weekend and give this incubating thing another try. Besides, after almost 4 weeks of this, I'm pretty sure my life is meaningless if I don't have temperature and humidity to check. HAHA
The important thing is that we did what we set out to do: experience birth. All four of us were there to witness "Crash's" entrance into our world.
There is still so much to do to get BBV Farms up and running:.
It looks like the sap has quit flowing and we only got about 5 gallons of sap, which should yield about 1/10 of a gallon of syrup.
We need to start setting up the raised beds gardens. I was going to use 2x12's, but I think I'm going to go for something more natural. Rocks. I pulled all of the rock borders out of the flower beds last fall and started a big rock pile. At least I'll have a use for them now.
I found a website where I can order some blueberry bushes for pretty cheap.
Jeremy would like some cherry trees so he can relive his days in Traverse City at the Cherry Farm.
We are also contemplating getting rabbits. I would like to hold off for a bit. The chicken coop has cost a freakin' fortune and we still haven't even run the fence yet.
"Crash" is the little chick in the middle at the top of the picture of the chicks.
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