Thursday, March 11, 2010

Homesteading Adventure #6: Lockdown!

Tonight is the night!
The eggs have been candled for the last time. The turner has been removed. The humidity and temps are climbing back to where they should be. Unless I'm typing, I am sitting on my hands. And already, just an hour and a half after lockdown started, there are nose prints on the incubator windows.

Tonight's candling was the most exciting since we saw first signs of life.
When candling Egg #10, I said "Oh Girls....this one looks like it might have died on's so much smaller............Holy CRAP! It's moving!!!!!" as I watched what looked like a wing swing in front of the light.

So here are our newest stats:
3: :-) *
4: x
5: x
8: :-) *
9: :-)
10: :-)* ^
11: :-)*^
12: :-)
13: :-)
15: :-)*^
17: ?
18: :-)*
19: :-)*^
20: :-)*
22: :-)*
23: :-)

:-) - More development since last candling
:-)* - Movement
:-)*^ - Movement but hatch may be delayed

T-minus, 3 days and counting! Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!

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